Battle at Stirling Bridge

The Battle at Stirling Bridge was the first war of Scottish independance. It was on the 11th of September 1297 that William Wallace defeated English forces near Stirling, on the river forth. There were 40,000 lightly armed soldiers and 180 horses, however rather then sending his men two miles up stream King Edward went across Stirling Bridge.

Though despite King Edward's strategical planning Wallace send his men across to attack after a decent amount of men had crossed the bridge. Most of the men were killed by the Scotts.

King Edward believed it would end the revolt and Wallace himself, as a result the battle was won before at the Battle of Dunbar.

At the Stirling Bridge Battle Wallace gained control in the north end of the bridge and hence allowed his easy victory. The English lost approximatley 6,000 soldiers.

The Victory of William Wallace lead to his title of Guardian of Scotland however the glory was breif asa he was defeated in 1298 at the Battle of Falkirk.