King Edward I - Profile

Name: Edward I, also known as Edward Longshanks.

Gender: Male.

Nationality: English.

Occupation: Royalty.

Date of Birth: On the night of 17 June 1239. To parents HenryIII of Winchester and Eleanor of Provence.

Place of birth: In the palace of Winchester London.

Date and place of death: 7th July 1307 at the age of 68 in Burgh-by-sands, Cumbria.

Place of burial: Westminister Abbey, London.

·Tall man at 1.88 m
·Long arms and legs, hence that's where 'Longshanks' was derived form
·Black curly hair

·Complex dark skin
·'Fiery angry' eyes
·Spoke with a pronounced lisp.

·Strong build.

Martial Status: Married to second cousin Eleanor of Castile on November 1st 1254, however after her death remarried to Marguerite of France in 1282- 1317.

Reign: November 20th 1272 at thirty three years of age, Edward's father died maki

ng him King. In 1274 he carried out a country survey on crown lands and right as well as updating

the past laws. King Edward gave power to John Ballioil as he thought he was fit to be king. The Scots fought back because of Edward's impact and he lead his army into Scotland. He fought his way for Scotland to join England and for him to rule over it, Sir William Wallace created a rebllious group agaisnt Edward. He lead the group over the battle of Stirling Bridge winning over the English men and burning everyting in the way of the army because of Edward's interferance. Edward assembled his army fought over Wallace's amry at the battle of Falkirk. In 1305 Wallace was sent to London for execution. In 1306, another Robert the Bruce rebelled agaisnt Edward and was crowned King. Edward lend another amry to punish them but he did not succeed and he became ill.