Battle of Falkirk

The Battle of Falkirk was fought during the First War of Scottish Independence (1296-1328).
WHEN: July 22, 1298
WHERE: Falkirk, Stirlingshire
WHO: English troops under Edward I vs. Scots under William Wallace
ScotlandSir William Wallace, 7,000 menEnglandKing Edward I, approximately 14,000 men

The battle of Farlkirk: Marching north in 1298, Edward sought avenge, as the English defeat at Sterling Bridge the year before. Badly outnumbered, Wallace conducted a scorched earth campaign and repeatedly retreated north with the goal of starving Edward's army.

As well as reaching Edinburgh, Edward's situation was dire and he considered a retreat to England. Hoping to follow the English as they retreated, Wallace advanced to Falkirk, approximately 13 miles from the English camps, when hearing this, Edward opted to give battle. On July 22, the English advanced and attacked the Scottish position. As the English Knightsapproa ched, Wallace's men assumed enclosed, defensive formations known as schiltrons, with their spears pointing outward.

After the attacks by his knights and infantry were beaten off by the Scots, Edward ordered his archers to open fire on the schiltrons. As the schiltrons were motionless, the arrows took a heavy toll. With the Scottish ranks weak, Edwards launched another attack which drove the Scots from the field. The Battle of Falkirk was victory for Edward , with both sides losing approximately 2,000 men. While the English won the battle, they were unable to continue their conquest of Scotland due to the scorched earth tactics employed by Wallace before the battle. With his army starving, Edward withdrew south.